Three Reasons to Start Thinking About SAP Analytics in the Cloud

Technology is ever evolving. Think about what your business was running on in the first decade of the 2000s. Since then you have probably gone through iterations of upgrades to hardware, software, data centers, PCs, laptops and smartphones. These types of upgrades and projects can have a significant impact on your business and, specifically, your IT department. I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve read this, but it is definitely time to start planning your transition into the cloud. Here are three reasons it’s time for your business to start thinking about the transition to the cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS), which offers the best cloud options in the business.

1.) IT is not a Core Function of Your Business

If I were to guess, I bet your company’s mission statement doesn’t include anything about hosting data centers, server upgrades, or OS upgrades; however, in the past 5-10 years, how many of these projects has your company performed? What if you could take the time your IT department focuses on managing infrastructure and put it towards managing the business and customers? Cloud computing lets you free up time, people, resources, and, most importantly, budget, all of which directly contribute to the bottom line of your company.

2.) Security

Target, JP Morgan Chase, Home Depot, and Sony—all of these major companies were attacked by hackers and had data breaches and all of them had their servers on premise. Why, then, are companies so afraid to move their data to the cloud? It seems as though everyone feels their data is more secure in their own data centers, but security is AWS’ #1 priority, which they have proven with their compliance.  Can your company’s own data centers or collocation centers prove over 20 different compliance and assurance programs?  AWS can.

3.) Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

One of the biggest benefits of AWS is TCO. Of course when moving to the cloud you can get rid of the expenses of hardware, but there is so much more to TCO than just the hardware expense. One of the biggest advantages of AWS is the elasticity to only pay for what you use. You most likely build your systems now to handle peak usage, plus 5-10% to handle any extra load. So, what happens to that hardware when it’s 2:10 AM on Easter weekend? Those CPUs sit at 0% used, but you don’t pay any less. With AWS you have the ability to only pay for what you use. A significant advantage alone, this provides major cost savings versus on-premise or collocated solutions.

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EV Technologies is partnering with Amazon and SAP to bring best-in-class cloud SAP Analytics solutions to customers in retail, manufacturing, healthcare, and more.  We’ve started the discussion for you with these three reasons.  Do you need a few more reasons?  Are you ready to start exploring the ease and cost benefits of using the cloud?  If your company is considering the move to AWS, EV Technologies can help.  Contact us at EV Technologies to get the cloud discussion started.  We can help you become an #OvernightSuccess.

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