Retrieving Accidentally Deleted Objects in SAP BI 4.2 Using the Recycle Bin

Recycle Bin

SAP has implemented a new Application in the Central Management Console (CMC) called the Recycle Bin Application. The purpose of the Recycle bin is as expected. It allows an administrator to recovery deleted documents as needed.

Recycle Bin CMC

SAP has a detailed Note by Onkar Velhal on how to use the new recycle bin feature:

This note only goes over the Recycle Bin functionality at a high level, though. Below I will talk a bit more about the practical usage of this functionality.

This application has only one configurable option under the Application properties.

Recycle Bin Application Properties

This is for the number of days to retain deleted objects, which you may uncheck to preserve all content indefinitely. There is currently no ability to set user permissions to the Recycle Bin Application, which means this is primarily a task for administrators.

Recycle Bin Application Properties Dialog

The recycle bin is enabled by default in SAP BI 4.2 and shows up only in the CMC, not in the BI Launchpad. When opened, the Recycle Bin will list documents that have been deleted. To restore a deleted object you simply right-click the object and select Restore.

Recycle Bin Restore

Only corporate documents deleted from public folders may be recovered. Documents deleted from personal folders are not retained by the recycle bin and are not recoverable.

If you delete an object and then delete the folder, you must first recreate the folder object or restore it from the recycle bin before you are able to restore the report object. As with Promotion Management, the Recycle Bin will first attempt to restore an object to a parent folder base on the parent folder CUID. If that parent folder does not exist, it will attempt to restore the object to the same folder path by name. This means if you rename a folder that you deleted an object from (say to folder_name_old) and then create a new folder to replace it, the Recycle Bin will restore that object to the original (_old) folder first. If neither an object with the CUID or a path of the same name exists, the Recycle Bin will throw an error stating that the path no longer exists.

When you delete a folder that has content, only the folder will appear in the Recycle Bin dialog. Upon restoring the folder, all associated content that was in the folder at the time of deletion will also be restored. You are not able to selectively restore the reports from the folder. You must first restore the entire folder and then re-delete any report objects that you no longer need.

If you have deleted a folder or object and then attempt to restore an object with the same name and path, a duplicate object will be created and tagged with a suffix of ” restored (1)” where the number increments based on the number of restored objects with that same name.

The recycle bin also has an option to flush out all recycle bin items at the click of the Empty Recycle Bin button.

Recycle Bin CMC Empty Recycle Bin

Currently there is no way to migrate Recycle Bin content using Promotion Management. So, if you are in the midst of a migration, you need to make sure to restore any content you think you might need to migrate.



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